VIKING PA-IP SIP Multicast Paging Adapter with Amplifier User Guide

VIKING PA-IP SIP Multicast Paging Adapter with Amplifier


Verify that you have received all of the parts listed

Download the product manual

Scan the QR code to open and download the product manual

– OR –

  1. Go to and enter PA-IP in the search box
  2. Click PA-IP in the search results
  3. Click Product Manual to open and download the PDF
Download and install the programming software
  1. Go to and enter PA-IP in the search box
  2. Click PA-IP in the search results
  3. Scroll down the page to Downloads, click IP Programming Software
  4. Install the programming software by saving or opening the file and then clicking on setup Viking IP Programming.exe
  5. Follow the prompts on your screen to complete software installation

Power Source

Select PoE Switch or PoE Injector that meets the following requirements:

  1. IEEE 802.3af / 802.3at / 802.3bt compliant
  2. Capable of providing at least 13 Watts (class 0 or class 3)

Note: CAT5e (or higher) cable recommended

Network Port Settings

  • Make sure the port is not in trunk mode
  • Make sure port is capable of 100mbps full duplex
  • Disable Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) or enable Port fast

Features Overview

See the Product Manual for complete installation and programming instructions. Questions?
Call Viking Product Support: 715-386-8666

Due to the dynamic nature of the product design, the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Viking Electronics, and its affiliates and/or subsidiaries assume no responsibility for errors and omissions contained in this information. Revisions of this document or new editions of it may be issued to incorporate such changes.